
8 Super Sleek Styles for Long Wigs

8 Super Sleek Styles For Long Wigs

If you’re looking for some inspiration to liven up your long wig collection then you’ve come to the right place! Perhaps you’ve never tried a longer length wig and want to go out of your short-style comfort zone. Or maybe you’re in need of a sleek, eye-catching style for a special event you have planned. Opting for a longer length wig can add a bit of extra luxury and glamour to your style.

We have chosen 8 of the most lustrous and captivating wigs from Ellen Wille’s longer length collections that are sure to turn heads wherever you go! See any that take your fancy?

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1. Fringe Fabulous

Ellen Wille – Pretty – Hair Power Collection – Synthetic Wig

This layered wig adds a full yet soft fringe for a beautiful, elegant look. The mix of long and short layers adds fabulous texture that is more alluring on the eye. With the gentle bounce of the waves, you are sure to look like you’ve just spent hours on a curly blow!







Pasted Graphic 1 12. Luscious Layers

Mega Mono – Hair Power Collection – Synthetic Wig

If layers are your thing but without a fringe, this long-layered, lace front style is perfect for adding a touch of class. The ‘just a bit longer than mid-length’ style is also a great compromise between shorter and longer lengths – ideal if you want something in-between. Of course, the option is always there to customise it by adding a fringe or even some more shorter layers to mix it up if you want. 







Pasted Graphic 2 13. Side Swept Sleek

Arrow – Perucci Collection – Synthetic Wig

Nothing says sleek more than a side swept fringe. Paired with soft, beachy waves, this is a truly classy and glamourous look. If you’re after a more chic day look that’s easy to take from day to night, this is an ideal style that requires no extra time spent with heated tools! You can also add a few accessories to invigorate the look – clips, hairbands or headscarves can provide an extra layer of elegance.






Pasted Graphic 3 14. Straight up Sleek

Code Mono – Hair Power Collection – Synthetic Wig

Simply sleek, smooth and straight. Suiting most face shapes, the long length straight style is still striking in its simplicity. It also has a beautiful, natural looking shine that will make you the envy of your friends. This straight wig is definitely one to have in your collection, suiting both casual and glammed-up outfits. 







Pasted Graphic 45. Wonderful Waves

Cascade – Pure Power Collection – Remy Human Hair Wig

Wanting to wow? Add some dazzling waves into your wig wardrobe! After wearing more straighter styles, this wig is guaranteed to make you feel like a million dollars. Not only is this eye-catching when worn loose, it oozes Hollywood glam when pulled back into a beautiful wavy bun. And who needs somewhere to go – wearing this style around the house will add something extra special to your day!  






Pasted Graphic 56. The Heat Resistant Wig for Limitless Looks

Cloud – Perucci Collection – Heat Friendly Synthetic Wig

If you’re a fan of changing up your style, this super sleek wig is heat resistant, allowing you to use your styling tools whenever you like! The heat resistant strands mean limitless looks and versatility – you’ll never be bored! Fancy a different colour? This range comes in a variety of pastel shades, as well as browns, blondes and reds. If you need advice on how to keep your heat-resistant wig looking fresh, check out our other blogs with top wig-care tips!





Pasted Graphic 67. The Blended in Fringe

Xenita Hi – Perucci – Remy Human Hair Wig

If you prefer a human hair wig that is adaptable, look no further. Turn this style from silky straight to bountiful waves and feel its lustrous movement as you go about your day. The long layers help to frame your face and feel runway ready!






Pasted Graphic 78. Curl Power

Lola More – Hair Power Collection – Synthetic Wig

 Curls galore – now we’re talking! Voluminous and vivacious, these are undoubtedly envy-inducing curls! This type of curl can be quite difficult to achieve with styling tools on your own, so having a ready-made wig means you can look effortlessly chic in seconds. Everyone needs one of these in their wig wardrobe!

Phew – that’s a lot of style inspiration to get us started! Longer wig styles offer so much variety – whether you’re looking for casual, elegant, modern or full-on rock-chick looks, longer lengths have it all. 







Easy Ways to Make Your Wig Look More Natural

7 Easy Ways To Make Your Wig Look Natural

Whether you are a wig newbie or a wig connoisseur, there’s always the worry that your wig might look unnatural. Wondering if friends or even strangers can tell that you’re wearing a wig can sometimes cause anxiety. Naturally, you want to feel confident in a wig that looks effortlessly real. If you’re feeling unsure how to create the most natural look with your wig, the key is customisation. By making a few tweaks to your wig, you can modify it perfectly to suit you in the most natural looking way.

Here are 7 tips that will transform your wig into its most natural look.

1. Find The Right Size
To find the perfect size that fits comfortably on your head, take the time to take accurate measurements. Grab a soft measuring tape and measure your head’s circumference, hairline to nape, ear-to-ear going across the forehead, ear-to-ear over the top of your head, temple-to-temple going behind your head and finally the nape of your neck.

Use your measurements against each wig manufacturers size guide. When you wear a perfectly fitting wig, not only will it feel more comfortable, it will sit well and look completely undetectable as a wig!

2. Line It Up
Once you’ve found the perfect fit, next is lining the wig up to perfectly match your own hairline. You don’t want your wig to come too far down your forehead or be too far back. To line up your wig correctly, it takes a bit of shifting around and practice to realise exactly where your hairline begins. Take your time, ask someone for advice if needed and even take some selfies to check. When you’re happy, add your preferred fastenings if needed and you’re ready to rock!

3. Soften The Shine
Although we all strive for shiny, sleek locks, synthetic wigs can sometimes be overly shiny which makes them appear unnatural. Luckily, there’s such a simple fix which will soften the shine: dry shampoo. Just spray the dry shampoo at arm’s length and rub it gently into the wig strands. Start with a small amount and build up as required to suit the level of you shine you desire.

Pasted Graphic4. Perfect The Parting
You may notice that your wig has a high density of hair along the parting hairline. This creates a more unrealistic look as hairlines are naturally sparser than this. The solution? Tweezers! Plucking some strands from the hairline creates a softer, natural parting. Stand in front of a mirror whilst wearing your wig – this allows you to get a clearer idea of how much to pluck. Be careful not to pluck from the lace as this will damage your wig.

Pasted Graphic 15. Add A Fringe
Fancy a fringe? Not only can a fringe save you from the bother of perfecting the hairline, it’s also a fantastic way to mix up your style and try something new. From wispier side fringes to full fringes, these looks hide the hairline, meaning one less thing to think about. Opt for a skilled hairdresser to turn your wig to fringe fabulous!

6. Tailor The Cut
Sometimes, customising the style to suit your individual features ensures the hair falls as naturally as possible. Take your wig to your hairdresser and, whilst wearing it, ask them to make any adjustments to the cut which really flatter your facial features and make your wig really specific to you. Just a few snips and modifications to the style can really make a difference.

7. Choose Multi-Toned Colours
Pasted Graphic 2Bored of wigs that are a single block of colour? Sometimes single tones can appear a bit lifeless and unnatural. Hair usually grows with multiple shades, so opting for a wig with a few colour blends can give a more realistic look. You may want to try a dark brunette with some caramel highlights, or a lively red with some darker toned lowlights. The choice is endless!

These tips can truly create the most authentic wig that you feel confident to wear anywhere. The more realistic your wig looks, the more it will feel like a true extension of your fabulous self!

Check out our wide range of high-quality wigs that guarantee a natural look and feel. Whether you are new to wig-wearing or just fancy something new, we have styles to suit everyone…take a look!


Wearing Your Wig with Confidence

2573 Hayden Dark Chocolate4No matter what the reason is for choosing to wear a wig, confidence can take a tumble. Maybe you’re brand new to wig-wearing, or perhaps you’ve been rocking them for years. Either way, we can sometimes feel like everyone around us can tell we’re wearing a wig.

Naturally, our self-awareness can become heightened, especially in the early days of wig-wearing when it is so new to us. We constantly run questions through our mind:

What if it falls off on a slightly blustery day?

What if it looks fake?

What if it prevents my natural hair returning?

These are all normal things to ask yourself. It’s completely expected that you might feel anxious stepping out of your house for the first time sporting your new wig. It takes a hot minute to get used to it!

Whether you are experiencing alopecia, post-viral hair loss, or the effects of chemotherapy, you deserve to step out with confidence, assurance and, most of all, a smile on your face.

Here are some confidence boosting tips to help you rock your look and feel your best!

Acknowledge Your Emotions

Hair loss can make us feel a range of emotions – anxiety, sadness, frustration. We attach so much of our identity to our hair and losing it can feel like we have lost a part of ourselves. Know that it is completely ok to feel like this. But equally, remind yourself that you are a brilliant, dazzling, gem of a human being who deserves to feel your best. Recognising that your wig can actually help guide you back towards a more confident you can help you embrace your wig and love it a little more.

Test Out Your Wig at Home First

Increasing your comfort level can begin at home. Start by practising some of the things you expect to do when you go out to alleviate any fears that your wig will fall off. Actions such as turning your head quickly, taking off a coat or running for the (imaginary!) bus can help you have confidence that your wig is doing what it is supposed to- staying secure, comfortable and making you look fab no matter what!

Start Local

Wearing your wig in public for the first time can sometimes feel like a daunting prospect. Start by stepping out for a walk in your local area for a few minutes just to get used to being outside the comfort of your own home. You’ll soon realise no-one is staring at you and no-one can guess you’re wearing a wig because…yes…it looks so darn natural! The less worry you have about stepping out, the more comfortable and confident you’ll feel to go anywhere in your wig and show it off to the world!

Show Your Wig Off To Your Friends!

Your wig is new to you and is also new to your friends. Understandably, you might feel a bit anxious about them seeing you in your wig for the first time. What if they think it doesn’t suit me? What if they feel a bit funny about wigs?

A good place to start is inviting them round and explaining that you have something to share with them. Show them your wig and let them know that perhaps you need some extra love and support at the moment as you start to wear it every day. Then, depending on your comfort level, you can even let them touch it or try it on themselves. They may have never even held a wig before so it can be a fun learning experience for them. And let’s be real – they’ll be excited to give it a try-on too and see what they look like with a brand new style!

Reach Out To Wig-Support Groups

Feeling part of a community of other wig-wearers can alleviate any sense of loneliness that you may be feeling. Online forums or face-to-face meet-up groups can boost your confidence by changing the way you think about your hair loss experience. You are truly never alone. There are people out there who are more experienced wig-wearers who once stood in your shoes. They can guide you, support you and offer helpful tips to enhance your self-esteem.

Prepare Your Responses To Questions

Anyone in your close-circle of friends may already know about your hair loss journey. But you may be feeling apprehensive about bumping into other friends who aren’t aware of what you’re experiencing. When they notice your new look, they may spurt out the blunt question of ‘Are you wearing a wig?’

For a whole host of reasons, you may feel flustered at this question, especially if you are only just beginning to build up your confidence level. By preparing a few responses to questions like these, you can deliver your responses with ease and poise.

Douse Yourself With Compliments

This can feel a little strange at first – sometimes we just aren’t used to positive self-talk. However, it’s scientifically proven that even if you fake it, your brain still believes it. Of course, the aim is to truly believe all the compliments you give to yourself, but if it feels awkward, start slow. Every time you catch yourself in the mirror, compliment yourself. If you’re proud of something you’ve achieved today, however small, compliment yourself. You are wonderful and you are worth it. (Now go and say that again in the mirror!)

Find Some Wigspirations!

Finally -and just for a little fun- remind yourself that there are some wig-loving celebrities who ooze confidence in their wigs. You can use them as a bit of wigspiration when needed! They include Gwen Stefani, Salma Hayek, Rihanna, and of course… Cher! So if you are in need of a little confidence boost, remember that there are so many people out there who are wig advocates!

Hopefully, these tips can help you go from a wig-worrier to a wig-warrior! Embracing your wig is a freeing experience and once you feel confident in it, there will be no stopping you!


Does Wearing a Wig Prevent Hair Growth

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Whether you are new to wig-wearing or are a wig connoisseur, there are a few myths you will have heard along the way. These untruths can sometimes add fear and apprehension to the mix. One myth that often crops up is that wearing a wig can prevent new hair from growing.

Of course, people wear wigs for a variety of reasons. Some have complete hair loss, others may still have some hair growth. Whatever your experience, it is natural to want to protect any growing hairs. It is easy to feel worried that wearing a wig might further contribute to hair-loss or shedding and you anxiously question if you should ditch the wig for good.

So, is it true that wigs prevent hair growth?

Quite simply – no! Wigs themselves do not affect hair growth or damage hair follicles in any way. However, it is how you care for both your wig and your hair that really matters.

So, forget what you’ve heard and let’s dive in to some top tips for maintaining your natural hair so you can wear your wig with ease.

How to Protect Natural Hair Growth

Thankfully, there are several simple steps you can follow to keep your natural hair healthy. Whether you are experiencing alopecia, or regrowing your hair following chemotherapy, careful attention to hair and wig maintenance protects your natural hair, which means worry goes out the window.

1. Clean Your Wig Regularly

During the day, sweat, oil and dead skin cells from our scalp can build up and can easily clog the mesh cap within the wig. The accumulation of all these things can cause scalp irritation – and nobody wants that.

To avoid this, make sure you wash your wig regularly with gentle, wig-friendly products that maintain your wig’s lifespan.

Generally, wigs should be washed every 15 days or so, however you may find a need to wash it every 7-10 days – it really depends on your lifestyle and other factors such as the humidity where you live.

2. Wash Your Natural Hair Frequently

It can sometimes feel a little warm underneath a wig, especially in the summer heat or on days when we’re a little busier than usual. Your natural hair can become greasy quickly and can result in unwelcome odours. It is also common for the opposite to happen and you find yourself with dry, matted hair underneath your wig. Either way, washing your natural hair regularly keeps both your scalp and strands healthy.

If you find your hair is dry, using a moisturising shampoo and conditioner can give it the nourishment it needs. It is also recommended to use a deep-conditioning hair mask once a week to hold in extra moisture and prevent hair drying out.

For oily hair, it is vital to not over-wash as this can cause your scalp to dry out as it becomes stripped of its natural oils, leading to even more oil in the long-run. When you do come to wash it, try using balancing shampoos and conditioners that hydrate and soften whilst maintaining the delicate pH level of your scalp.

3. Wear A Wig Cap

Wearing a wig cap is a wonderful way to maintain healthy hair. Not only do they add an extra layer of protection between your natural hair and your wig, they also keep your wig clean by preventing oily residues building up in it.

If you have quite lot of new hair growth, wig caps are a handy way to keep your natural hair from peeking out from underneath your wig. Many people also find that wig caps add an extra layer of comfort and reduces slippage which gives confidence your wig will remain in place all day long!

4. Have Wig Breaks

Having a break from your wig every now and again means your natural hair can breathe. Letting oxygen get to your scalp reduces bacteria and odours building up, and just feels pretty refreshing!

Finding a few days every so often to go wig-free will prevent excess dryness or oiliness for your natural hair, as well as your scalp. Wig breaks are well worth scheduling in to ensure natural hair growth is encouraged and that you feel your best!

5. Nourish Your Scalp

Taking regular care of your scalp is an absolute must for protecting natural hair. We sometimes forget our scalp is still skin and requires the same attention as we give to our faces. Ignoring this important tip can result in a dry, itchy scalp, rashes and dandruff.

Using an anti-dandruff shampoo is helpful at preventing a flaky scalp. You may also want to focus on soothing products with anti-inflammatory ingredients. These can relieve itchiness and keep your scalp moisturised at the right level. It’s a nice self-care treat to use a soothing oil and regularly massage it in. A calm scalp means a calm you!


Although wigs themselves do not damage your natural hair, it is vital to add in some extra protective procedures that give your hair and scalp some love.

With these easy-to-follow tips, you will feel confident that your natural hair is looked after, that your wig stays in top condition and that you can continue to feel fabulous!


Ways to Make Your Wig Last Longer

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8 Ways to Make Your Synthetic Wig Last Longer


One of the first questions when buying a wig is: how long will my wig last? Whether you’re new to wigs or are a wig wearing aficionado, you want to make sure you’re investing in a high-quality, long-lasting wig that looks as sleek months down the line as it does on day one.

When it comes to synthetic wigs, they possess an array of benefits. They are more realistic looking than ever, are easy to maintain, and bounce straight back to their original shape thanks to style memory technology.

How long a synthetic wig lasts for is dependent on how you care for it. Generally, they should last between 4-6 months if worn most days. But there are a few handy strategies that can help maintain those luscious locks for longer. Here are 8 tips to keep your synthetic wig beautiful, bouncy and bright!

1. Go Easy on the Heat

Trying to use a curling iron on synthetic wigs will damage the strands and create a terrible burning smell- which is not what you want! Unfortunately, only heat-resistant synthetic wigs can tolerate hot styling tools.

The key to using heat is to keep the temperature relatively low. Synthetic hair cannot tolerate the high temperature that human hair can, so the lowest heat setting will be your best friend. There are also thermal protectant sprays specifically made for heat-resistant synthetic wigs and toppers which keep styling heat-friendly.

If you don’t have a heat-resistant synthetic wig, you can try heatless curling techniques to spare any damage.

2. Don’t Over-Wash

The joy of synthetic wigs is the laid-back washing schedule they allow for. Lathering your locks should generally be done every 15 to 20 wears. However, humid climates and sweat or oils from everyday wear may require more frequent washes.

Washing your wig too often can cause strands to become lacklustre and fall out quicker, losing its density. You will know when it is time to wash your wig as it may become tangled, dull and stiff. When the time comes to wash it, show your wig some love by being gentle and using the right products. Which leads nicely to the next important point…

3. Use Wig-Friendly Care Products

Synthetic wigs have delicate fibres that require specific products to keep them tip-top. Your wig won’t appreciate anything other than wig-specific hair care and you risk drying them out and causing permanent damage.

Wig shampoos and conditioners preserve the colour, shine and softness of your wig. There are also great brands that create blow-dry sprays, hair sprays and intensive hair conditioning masks that maintain wig quality so that you always feel glorious!

4. Brush Your Wig Carefully

Is your wig looking tangled, not tousled? Wig brushes are designed to be gentle when brushing and effective at detangling without destroying.

Ideally, place your wig on a wig stand for the best results. Always begin brushing from the bottom to effectively smooth the hair. The key is being really gentle and careful when brushing. Using the right tools is essential and rejuvenates your wig’s style in no-time.

5. Invest in Suitable Storage

It’s the end of the day, you’re tired and you fling your wig somewhere in your wardrobe. We’ve all done it. But over time you risk more tangles, damage and loss of shape.

A wig stand is the most popular option to maintain style and shape. Wig hangers are another great choice and don’t take up much room in your wardrobe. Satin bags or soft-lined shoeboxes are also excellent at protecting your wig from sun damage, dust and humidity when you’re not wearing it.

6. Remove Your Wig Whilst You Sleep

Over time, sleeping in your wig decreases its lifespan drastically. As you sleep, the oils and sweat from your skin, coupled with friction from movement on your pillow, not only mean its uncomfortable for your scalp but also cause frizz and breakage.

To avoid a matted and tangled appearance, it is highly recommended to use a sleeping cap instead. You can even use more luxurious silk pillows for added comfort and warmth as you sleep.

Removing your wig each night will guarantee longevity and means styling stays simple and quick each day.

7. Don’t Ignore Your Scalp

Give your scalp the same care and attention you do your wig. Proper scalp care extends the lifespan of your wig, as well as keeping it feeling comfortable.

A healthy, hydrated scalp prevents the build-up of dead skin, oils and sweat from our day. This means less impurities getting stuck in the wig cap and less frequent washes are needed – saving you time and effort in the long run!

8. Rotate Your Wigs

Owning more than one synthetic wig has numerous benefits: you can alternate your look, you have back-up choices if one gets damaged, and it’s less hassle! But wearing different wigs on alternate days ensures wigs last longer as they not exposed to the elements every single day.

The other benefit of having several wigs goes without saying – it’s fun! You can choose different colours, lengths and styles and switch it up when you like!


Caring properly for your synthetic wig works wonders at increasing its lifespan. Just a few simple steps are all you need to maintain freshness and rejuvenate your look. With these useful tips at hand, you can ensure your synthetic wig stays sleek, soft and glossy and maintains its density and style month, after month.


Hair Loss Solutions

The Best Treatments & Solutions For Hair Loss & Thinning Hair

There are many options to choose from if you are looking for a hair loss solution and it can be confusing knowing which is right for you. The first step if you are struggling with hair loss is to talk to a medical practitioner or trichologist who can work out what type of hair loss you are experiencing and why this is happening to you.  For example, you may have an underlying health issue or hormonal change which has caused changes in your hair and scalp, or perhaps you are undergoing chemotherapy or are experiencing changes as a result of new medication. 

Once you have a better understanding of what is causing your hair loss, it will become easier to move forward to find a solution.  At Rituals Hair Salon in Scotter, Lincolnshire, we offer two options designed to restore your confidence as a result of thinning hair or hair loss.  We offer a revolutionary Hair Replacement System which gives you a full head of hair that looks and feels just like your own before the hair loss.  We also offer a wigs and hair toppers service where we will sell, fit and style your wig so it looks natural.

Read on to find out more about some of the best hair loss solutions available in the UK.  If you would like to book a consultation with one of our hair loss experts, please call Rituals Hair Salon on 01724 764418. 

Hair Replacement System

Our incredible hair replacement system offers a non-surgical solution to hair loss - giving men and women a full head of hair that looks and feels completely natural.

With this non-surgical hair replacement system, we can restore confidence to male and female clients and children suffering hair loss from alopecia, chemotherapy, burns, illness, stress or female/male pattern baldness.

We are able to create a 'second scalp' containing beautiful, natural human hair.  The system is undetectable, fits perfectly, and is made from medical-grade, breathable material.  

Wigs, Hair Toppers & Volumisers

We offer a wide range of ladies' wigs and hair toppers at our hair salon in Lincolnshire.  Our wigs have been hand-picked to give you a variety of looks from modern and classic hairstyles for women of all ages.  They have also been designed for optimum comfort and will be securely fitted, cut and styled in our salon to ensure you look and feel your very best. Check out some of our quality ladies' wigs here.

Hair Transplants

Hair Transplants - also known as Follicular Unit Extraction - is where healthy hair follicles are implanted from one area of the scalp into another area of the scalp to improve the thinning hair area.  If you have widespread thinning hair or baldness then this option is not for you as you require healthy hair follicles to be transplanted to the bald areas. 

Plasma Rich Platelet Treatments

Plasma Rich Platelet treatments use your own blood to promote hair growth. The processed PRP solution or plasma contains a concentration of platelets and growth factors designed to stimulate and accelerate hair growth.  The plasma is injected into the thinning hair areas. 

Vitamin Infusions To Boost Hair Growth

It is also worth looking at your diet when it comes to hair loss.  Are you getting the right vitamins and minerals to promote healthy hair and scalp? Intravenous vitamin infusions can boost hair growth.  Vitamins that play a role in maintaining healthy hair follicles include vitamin C, B complex vitamins including Biotin, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Folic Acid and Zinc.


What Causes Hair Loss?

Visit The Hair Loss Experts In Lincolnshire For Help & Advice

It can be incredibly stressful and upsetting for men and women who begin to lose their hair.  If you are struggling with hair loss or thinning hair, please rest assured that help is available. 

The hair loss experts at Rituals Hair Salon in Scotter can help you regain your confidence with our hair loss solutions including the incredible CRL Hair Replacement System which will give you a full head of natural-looking hair again without the need for hair transplant surgery.  We also offer high-quality natural-looking wigs and hair toppers which we will fit and style so they look just like your own hair. 

Find out more about the CRL Hair Replacement System here.  Find out more about our Wigs & Hair Toppers here.

Now let's explore the main types of hair loss and what you can do to improve the appearance of your hair.  

The Main Causes Of Hair Loss In Men & Women

Telogen Effluvium hair loss can occur as a result of high levels of stress.  This is usually a temporary condition but we are unaware of any specific medical treatment to avoid this occurring. 

Alopecia Areata hair loss appears as bald patches when the body's immune system attacks the hair follicles.  It can be caused by numerous factors, including high levels of stress.  In many cases the hair eventually grows back. 

Trichotillomania hair loss is the urge to pull your hair out.  It can be a way of dealing with negative or difficult feelings including stress, frustration, loneliness and boredom.   

Hair loss during chemotherapy is a common side effect of some chemotherapy treatments.  There are options that your doctor will discuss with you to try and avoid hair loss but none has been 100% effective.  

Hair loss in pregnancy can be experienced by surging oestrogen and progesterone levels in the body which trigger a response in the hair follicles, causing hair to become brittle. It can also be a side effect of iron deficiency, severe morning sickness, gestational diabetes and thyroid problems. 

Male pattern baldness / female pattern baldness.  Male pattern baldness typically starts with a thinning hairline. Female pattern baldness usually starts with your parting looking wider.  In some cases, women also see thinning around the temples. Women rarely lose all their hair. 

Hair loss due to medicines - There are side effects to some medicines which can cause hair loss.  If you start to see your hair falling out, contact your GP to see what he or she advises. They may be able to prescribe an alternative medicine without the nasty side effects. 

Hair Loss Solutions At Rituals Hair Salon in Scotter, Lincolnshire

If you are suffering from thinning hair or hair loss please talk to your medical practitioner to find out if there is an underlying reason for your hair issues.  In some cases your hair loss will be reversible.  Help is at hand for men and women facing long-term hair loss or permanent hair loss.  Our Lincolnshire hair loss salon offers non-surgical hair replacement treatments as well as natural-looking human hair wigs and hair toppers.  Please call Rituals Hair Salon on 01724 764418 to book your initial consultation.   


Time To Press Pause


It has been a heartbreaking decision to temporarily close Rituals Hair Salon.  Never could we have imagined a day that we would have to temporarily close the doors to our wonderful salon guests who come to us to feel great.

Closing is what feels right for us to do as a business and as part of a larger community. During this critical time keeping our amazing team and you, our amazing guests safe is our priority. The reality is that it’s going to be a struggle and we hope the government announces help for all small business owners.

We are so proud of our team for how they have reacted and coped with this ever changing situation. Our aim is to look after them through this difficult time.

We will continue to communicate through our social channels and we cannot wait to see you on the other side.  Stay Safe ❤️

Love Gurinder and Simon x


Rose Gold & Silver Hair Colours

Get Beautiful Hair Colours at Rituals Hair Salon in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire

thumbs_29-6 How to Get Rose Gold & Silver Grey Hair Colours  rose-1 thumbs_silver-7

Hair trends are getting bolder than ever, with new and exciting colours coming out each season. Rose gold and silver grey hair shades are two of the latest top trending hair colours that are everywhere on the internet. 

If you have previously coloured your hair yourself and it hasn’t worked, visit us at our Rituals hair and beauty salon in Scotter, near Gainsborough for a hair colour consultation. We use Aveda Full Spectrum range of permanent hair colours that are up to 96% naturally derived, to give you a truly personalised hair colour.

For further information please get in touch with us on 01724 764418

How to Get Colour Rose Gold or Silver Grey Hair Colours      

Step 1: Bleach Your Hair Blonde

Blonde hair often acts as a canvas or a base for various currently trending hair colours. Bleaching your hair platinum blonde may be necessary to obtain both the rose gold and silver grey hair colours

Prior to bleaching, we recommend an Aveda Hair Repair Treatment or an Aveda Hair Moisture treatment to repair and protect your hair, leaving your strands strong, supple and healthy looking.

Step 2: Add a Toner

Once your hair colour is sufficiently lightened, we will then proceed with adding the toners. 

Toners help to eliminate unwanted brassy undertones and help maintain your desired hair colour. Adding purple toner on bleached hair with a yellow undertone results in a white-silver hue

Step 3: Dye Your Hair Rose Gold or Silver Grey

We have a wonderful selection of Aveda Full Spectrum range of permanent and semi-permanent hair colours. Your hair colour technicians will help you choose the right shade of rose gold or grey that will suit your complexion and face shape

After sitting for about 30 minutes or so, the dye will be washed out with a colour safe shampoo.

Protect Your Hair From Breakage With Aveda Hair Treatments

We offer a fabulous range of treatments designed to nourish and repair your hair.As a leading Aveda hair salon, Rituals Hair Salon offers the very best in Aveda Botanical Hair Therapy Treatments designed to bring out the beauty of your hair.

Breakthrough plant micro technology penetrates your hair strands for intense moisture or repair, with customised treatments to meet your personal needs, restoring balance to the eco-system of your hair and scalp. Take a look at our full range of hair treatments.

Book an appointment at Rituals Hair Salon in Lincolnshire

Get in touch with our hair colour technicians to see how we can help. For appointment bookings and availability enquiries please call our friendly and professional team on 01724 764418.


Christmas Hair Up & Make Up Offer

Christmas hair Up Offer, Rituals Hair Salon, Scotter, Lincoln, Scunthorpe, Dunstable

Are you heading off to a special party this Christmas?  Why not take advantage of one of our Christmas Party Offers?

We will give you a professional blow dry, put your hair up and apply your make up for just £40 (we’ll also add lashes for an extra £3).

All you need to do is book in before November 30th 2016 to take advantage of this festive offer in December!

Fancy an Oxyjet facial for radiant skin?  Check out our other Christmas Party Offer here.

Terms & Conditions

  • Please mention Christmas Hair Up & Make-Up Offer when booking your appointment.
  • You have until November 30th 2016 to book your appointment.
  • Your appointment must be taken in December 2016.
  • Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.